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Writer's pictureHugh Bowring

Bumper weekend for the Big Build!

Wow, what an amazing fundraising weekend we've just had!

It started on Friday with the incredible efforts of the school's very own Mrs Ward scaling the dizzy heights of Ben Nevis alongside two former pupils and some friends. They have already smashed their initial fundraising target and have raised £1,012 so far! It’s not too late to support their fantastic achievement, just click here to donate.

Then on Saturday, we held the first ever Coln Valley Trail Runs, with over 200 people competing in three races of 2km, 5km and 10km. The sun shone and everyone had a brilliant time. We exceeded our fundraising target, raising just over £4,000.

Throughout the weekend, adults and children also got involved in a number of tennis events - one of which was run by the brilliant Reception and Y1 class teacher Miss Grierson. The final numbers are not quite in, but we think they have raised another £1,000 for the Big Build.

Looking ahead, we are running a bar at the Swing Band Picnic on Saturday evening (from 5:15pm). Please check out the events page for details, and hopefully we'll see you there. And if anyone is able to spare a couple of hours to help out, please drop Helen Forbes a message on 07795 095061.

A huge thank you to everyone who got involved over the weekend - we're certainly inching closer to the Phase 1 & 2 target now!

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